To lead is to serve.

 " The role of a leader is to serve his people. We absolutely must first serve people who we want to lead. They must be able to rely on the leader as much as we hope to rely on them"_ John fairclough. Lead with courage or do not lead at all. Leaders need to understand that it's all about others, A discipline to start and the courage to stop, to say no. To do less. To resist taking on more step in the wrong direction. "If you're too big to Serve . You're too small to lead"_ Rich Wilkerson Jr. 

To lead is to serve. Leaders should establish a steady flow of communication at all times, leaders need to be inspiring, by learning what motivates work best for their team to encourage productivity and passion. A positive attitude can go a long way in an organization, if the team feel that they work in a positive environment, they will be more likely to want to be at work, and therefore be more willing to put in more effort and also work the long hours when needed.

Leaders should be trustworthy, the team or organization need to be able to feel comfortable coming to their leader with questions and concerns. It is important for a leader to demonstrate integrity, a team only trust leaders they respect. By being open and honest, you will encourage the same sort of honesty in your organization. Leaders need to be creative, think outside the box, embracing different perspectives, with courage and sound judgement. Leaders should be responsible for both successes and failures of their team or organization. Accept mistakes and failures, you need to be willing to accept blame when things does not go right then find a clear solutions for improvement.

Your work doesn't succeed by what you do, your work succeeds by who you empower. Empowering others builds trust and confidence in their capacity to execute your team mission and goals. When you empower the right people, they feel valued , they grow in their leadership. You can focus elsewhere and your team or organization will become stronger.  


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