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Path to happiness

Happiness begins from the moment you do something for others. Those who consistently help others, are happy, and do not come across any obstacles in their lives. Today, I have a wonderful story to entertain you. Please . To watch the video.  " Our prime purpose in life is to help others. And if you can't them, at least don't hurt them". - Dalai Lama. 

You matter

 Hi, In case nobody told you today; You are beautiful. You are loved. You are needed. You are strong. You are enough.  You matter.  There's always that one person who really secretly cares for you. Never change to be accepted by others, stay weird. Sometimes your worst enemy is your own memory, let it go. Be kind to all people, you are making a difference whether you realize it or not. You matter.  What you do could change somebody's life and what they can overcome. I want you to know that you matter because when we take one step towards God. He takes seven steps toward us. You matter.  I want you to know that you matter because you have people depending on you right now. Your kids, your siblings, your parents, your friends or your entire family. Just know that somebody out there is depending on you, so know that you matter.  You have the ability, the power and amazing character to fulfill your purpose in life and make a difference in this world. Because yo...

To lead is to serve.

 " The role of a leader is to serve his people. We absolutely must first serve people who we want to lead. They must be able to rely on the leader as much as we hope to rely on them"_ John fairclough. Lead with courage or do not lead at all. Leaders need to understand that it's all about others, A discipline to start and the courage to stop, to say no. To do less. To resist taking on more step in the wrong direction. "If you're too big to Serve . You're too small to lead"_ Rich Wilkerson Jr.  To lead is to serve. Leaders should establish a steady flow of communication at all times, leaders need to be inspiring, by learning what motivates work best for their team to encourage productivity and passion. A positive attitude can go a long way in an organization, if the team feel that they work in a positive environment, they will be more likely to want to be at work, and therefore be more willing to put in more effort and also work the long hours when needed....

Be kind

 They say kindness doesn't cost a thing. Be kind to people, offer a helping hand, show empathy and compliment others. Mother Teresa said " kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless".  In a world today full of little self care, high emotions and turmoil, we need kindness more than ever before. " I can live for two months on one good compliment" ..Mark Twain. We need to be kind to ourselves, to our loved ones but especially to strangers. "Do things for people not because of who they are or what they do in return, but because of who you are".. Harold S. Kushner.  Love and kindness are never wasted, be kind.  Your kindness maybe the one happy part of someone's day. You can make someone feel like they are accepted and being kind makes you feel good. Being kind is much deeper than spending money or doing something extraordinary. " Not all of us can do great things but we can do small things with great love". ...

Embrace change

 Change is constant, if we must learn and grow, we must not just accept change... We embrace it. We tend to change only when the pain of remaining the same becomes greater than the pain of changing. The secret of embracing change and opening up to opportunities is to recognize the ways in which we are different. We are unique in our own ways, special and amazing talents. Think of the riches that would be lost if everyone were exactly the same. To make change, we have to determine the value of the change, we are humans and we don't do things simply for the sake of doing them. We need purpose and value. In order to grow, embracing change is not optional... you have to be able to adapt, ask yourself, what is my purpose and mission?. What obstacles stand in my way, face it head on and be positive about it. Keep your skills updated, read books and learn something new. Seek out and follow leaders who specialize in Skill areas you have or want to build. Embracing change is all about havin...